Do not fear Scott Walker’s veto

Do not fear Scott Walker’s veto:

Statement of the Milwaukee Transit Riders Union (

October 29, 2007

The Transit Riders Union was founded earlier this year because we, as riders, were tired of a deteriorating bus system and politicians who have done little about it.  For too long, we’ve been dealing with fare increases cuts to service, and, with over 500 members and growing, our goal is to improve public transit in Milwaukee by giving riders a voice in the decision making process.

We believe, and stand side by side with the thousands who rely on the bus, that all service cuts and fare increases are unacceptable, and that if the public truly had a role in forming their county budget, these cuts wouldn’t happen.  The proposed fare increase will make life more difficult for all of us and this is why we will continue to fight the cuts and fare increases.

Furthermore, the proposed service cuts will cut many off from bus service, making it more difficult to get to work, school, or medical appointments. To be sure, cuts in service and increases in fares do not make long-term financial sense. They will make our bus system run less efficiently, as its cost per passenger and per mile will rise significantly as the number of passengers falls. The bus cuts and fare increases will the deepen the already appalling levels of racial, economic, and social injustice in our community.

We urge the County Board to show leadership and further amend the budget today and tomorrow, to remove all cuts in services and increases in fares because Milwaukee can’t afford anything else.

Thank you.

The Milwaukee Transit Riders Union

Milwaukee Transit Riders Union (MTRU)
(414) 273-9778

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